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Moringa Concoctions RELEASED

December 09, 2019

Many of you have been asking us some of our favorite ways to use our Moringa Powder. These concoctions are near and dear to us and we use them regularly in the In10sity Family, so we thought we would share them with you all too.

moringa In10sity Fitness United

Grab you some Moringa Powder here: https://www.in10sityfitnessunited.com/product/moringa-leaf-powder/!

Moringa Weight Loss Recipe

  1. Mix 1 Teaspoon of Moringa Powder
  2. 1 Cup of Coconut Milk
  3. 1⁄2 Teaspoon if Cinnamon
  4. Quarter teaspoon of CARDAMOM
  5. Half Teaspoon of turmeric
  6. Mix all of this with water until blended

Moringa Tea

  1. 1 teaspoon of moringa powder in a ball strainer
  2. Boil water
  3. Dip the ball strainer in the water and allow 3 to 5 mins for the water to change color
  4. Stir until fully dissolved
  5. Mix in honey, agave syrup or yacon syrup for taste.
  6. This can be sold hot or cold

Moringa Hair Stimulation Concoction

  1. 2 teaspoons of moringa powder into a bowl
  2. Coconut Milk add teaspoons until it reaches the consistency that you like
  3. 2 teaspoons Extract virgin olive oil
  4. Mix until you reach your pasty consistency
  5. Then add more coconut oil if needed (Your looking for the pasty consistency)
  6. Then add a quarter cup of warm water
  7. Then apply to your hair
  8. Then put a shower cap or tie plastic bag to your head in order to generate heat
  9. Wash off with shampoo after 30 mins. Use a lot of water to rinse out moringa in full

Moringa Hair Stimulation Drink

  1. 1 Teaspoon of Moringa in cup
  2. Mix with alkaline water and stir while pouring water
  3. Mix for about 2 mins
  4. Put some fresh lemons or honey in it for taste
  5. Pour into a blender works great in the nutra bullet
  6. Mix and drink. You can do this several times a week if needed

Moringa Mustard Salad Dressing

Blend the following ingredients in a blender until the oil thickens, drizzle the mixture over your salad and enjoy

  1. 1 tablespoon olive oil
  2. 1 tablespoon of Moringa Powder
  3. 1/2 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  4. 1 teaspoon ground mustard
  5. 1 tablespoon maple syrup
  6. Add salt and pepper to taste

Moringa Guacamole

  1. 4 Ripe Cherry Tomatoes
  2. 1 ripe avocado
  3. Fresh chopped cilantro
  4. Juice 1⁄2 lime
  5. 1 teaspoon of Moringa
  6. Himalayan Salt and Cayenne Pepper
  7. Mix together and enjoy

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